Welcome to my blog, the story of my continuing journey into the World of Zombie Wargames.

Monday 17 October 2022

The Big Tidy-up

In a week where an anticipated game never happened, I managed to do an hour or two on tidying up my games table.
The photograph on the right shows that the table still has boxes and such on it, but only because I haven't had the opporunity to store them. My difficulty storing them is that they must go on top of a wardrobe for which I'll need the help of #1 son.
The four boxes on the table all contain parts of my western collection as do all the photographs below:

One of the two desk drawers that hold the larger western buildings
A three-high stack of vegetable trays containg western stuff
The second desk drawer atop three plastic storage bins, with the remainder of my buildings.
This concludes all my hobby -related endeavours over the last week, one clear of hospital, clinic or doctor's appointments ("yay").
And that's it for another week, who know I may get a game in this week.
Thanks for taking the time to visit and of course your comments are bothe welcomed and appreciated


  1. Certainly looks cleaner and emptier than my work desk Joe, you've managed to get a lot into the storage. Shame about the game, but hopefully you will get one in this week, and great news on the medical free week.

    1. Thanks Dave, I never thought I'd ever run out of storage, but I'ts becoming closer. I'm up for gaming this week too, so keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. Always great to have an opportunity to tidy ones workspace...it is so easy for it to become a quagmire of partly finished projects...my table is living proof of that. Usually due to competing dead-lines for upcoming games needing to get stuff done for!

    1. Thanks Terry, my gaming table has been in a rough state for nearly two years ! I'm pretty sure I can have it cleared off by Xmas !

  3. I feel a bit embarrassed admitting this, but my girlfriend was so annoyed at the state of my desk and the spare room in general that she cleaned it all up while I was at work! Good to know you had a hospital-free week!

    1. Thanks Matt, my wife tends not to 'help' me clear up as it just leads to tears (mine usually). No more hospital visits for three weeks or so - it's like having a short holiday .

  4. Ooh long, long time ago I had similar western stuff! :-)

  5. Thanks Michal, I hope you have good memories of your old things.
