So another week and the contents of another two boxes from Bryan's (Vampifan's) collection to post about, the first of which is shown on the right.
The main content of the box is a building with a lot of additional bits and pieces.
The second box is much smaller, the contents are all resin, consisting of a car, a motorcycle and a lot of scatter materials too.
So here's the photographs:
Three-quarter view of the front and side of the building.
View showing the rear and other side of the building
View of the interior, a desk/counter and two filing cabinets - simple but effective
Another view of the interior
A very useful watchtower
A wind powered generator type thing
Newpaper boxes (an American thing)
Various scenics, cones (metal !), a computer, mal boxes, solar panels amongs others.
The house is mdf, the other things are either resin, card or mdf too, but where they all come from is beyongd my knowledge, though the card pieces are probably WWG.
The car, sans windscreen and a couple of tyres from the second box.
All the other bits from the second box - spot the car's windscreen !
I think the second box is all part of some garage deal of bits, but I haven't a clue where they are from.
That's all from this week, I'll never get around to using the resin bits and pieces so they'll be up for 'grabs' too, but the small building and bits I'm considering retaining for my own use.
I'm begining to think no-one wants any of the things I've shown over the last two months as I haven't recieved a single request for anything - now where's my closest charity shop ?
Thanks for taking the time to visit and as always your comments are welcomed and appreciated..