Hong Kong King Kong? |
I continue to be in the unfortunate position of not being able to sit, lie, or stand comfortably for anything greater than 15 minutes at a time progress on anything has been negligible to say the least.
Whilst I normally have a regime of forcing myself into doing something hobby-wise for at least an hour a day this has had to be reined back to fifteen minutes a day!
Nevertheless two weeks ago having been "cheesed off" at the price of a gorilla at Border Reiver I decided to see what else was available on the interwebs market.
The result can be seen in the photograph to the right:
Its a very solid piece of hard(ish) plastic and with just a slightly noticeable mold line running down it's face and back.
It's probably not the best I found (there were also at least two other very good ones), but for the lowly price of £2.76 , including postage, it'll be more than enough for my purposes.
Whilst it's not mandatory fauna in "Adventures in Jimland", but what Lost Worlds game would be complete without one ?
Below are another few photographs of the piece:
The rear view - for those that like that sort of thing. |
With 28mm explorer for scale |
My meagre Border Reiver loot. |
I was asked to show off my loot from the Border Reiver show and as it wouldn't require much time at the keyboard here it is in all its glory (ahem)
Just the four lots,, the fourth being what they're all 'sitting' on.
Mule train for Jimlannd and for pirates to plunder |
Some assembly required ! |
d20s @ 25p each - a bargain ! |
I knew I needed some d20's for Jimland so I purchased a quids -worth (£1 for anyone not getting the lingo). But I also forgot that I need a direction die (one of those things with arrows on them), the results of me searching for the direction die when I returned home, can be seen below:
A few more d20s and not a direction die in sight - DOH! |
More foam trays ! |
I bought some KR foam trays knowing that I'd need them for my African/Jimland stuff and have already just about filled two of them.
I dispensed with the generous offer of buying a cardboard box to keep them in , as I'll be sticking to my cheap (as in free) plastic vegetable trays,.
I get three foam trays in one of the veggie trays and they stack too!
"Get yer 'at's 'ere" |
This last offering was also my first purchase of the show as I visited Col. Bill's gievn an offer I couldn't refuse from that slick talking salesman
I was assured that luggage, especially with hatboxes was the very thing I was looking for and was all the rage too!
Lots of resin goodies |
Whilst the above may have been my only purchases from Border Reiver they weren't the only items I left with, as my mate Stu had cast me a lot of resin stuff , boxes windows, shutters and a loo!
All of which were very well received
The loo is of the out-door type and will have to be assembled, but that expected these days I guess.
The loo in its constituent parts. |
Another view of the bits, with seat in situ |
So yet another post that I hadn't anticipated writing but I'm pleased to say that it does mean I still have another two (nearly three) posts on stand-by, a luxury I can't ever remember having.
That's it then for this week, time for more meds and as always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated!