The photos were a bit rushed and the figures themselves hadn't been varnished so they do appear a bit shiny and bright.
The figures themselves came from Black Cat Bases, but are unfortunately no longer available on their web-site.
There were 6 different sets in the gangster range each of five figures and an animal (all but one were dogs) and this set compliments their male counterparts.

I've adopted a light blue as the main gang colour and it features with the males too.
All the figures armed to varying one degrees, pistols, pump action shotguns and a machine pistol all feature.

being the spam-hands that I am, I of course, lost it.
It was replaced with a pistol and hand from one of the plastic survivour figures.
The gun itself is at a strange angle (as is the rest of the figure) .

With their somewhat limited firepower they will of course be usable as typical street-gang types at the start of the apocalypse ans either as survivours post apocalypse and they will of course also make excellent gangers to oppose survivours too.
This is another one of those figures that have been affected by Hollywood stereotypes, that of the shooter with two pistols. Luckily they are at least down by her sides and not in that other seemingly favourite position of sculpters with one of the pistols over her head !
Anyone who has handled guns will soon realise their weight and the impracticality of wielding two of them, let alone having one of them raised over your head for no apparent reason.

Next week I'll be showing you the male counterparts Los Chicos, (though they were actually called something like The Nortenos when I bought them).
With these completed (except for varnishing) that leaves just another eleven figures on my painting tray to blog about over the next two weeks, by which time I'm hoping to have finished the two doll houses I've been working on.
That's it then for this week except of course to welcome my latest follower Toni Morey who makes both 1/35 scale and 28mm survivours.
As always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.