With a lot of effort on my part, getting motivated, I managed to finish the building aspect of my Arched building (shown right in its 'before' stage.
A lot of time was spent in the many boring, repitive tasks of cutting out seemingly hundreds of flat tiles for the roof parapet, or cutting and placing individual stones for the arches and individual cutting and fitting of reinforcement 'planks' for the fourteen doors.
Here's the photos :
The template for the seven arches I needed
The arches were made from the thickest card I had, then cut into individual bricks and stuck to the building.
Two cm wide strips, cut to length for the rear-doors' roofs
Strips of 1cm corrugated card, cut to reperesnt tiles
2cm strips glues to to 'step' the tiled roof
Shorter section of roof for the single rear door
Longer rear roof in place, with supports
Prep work for the next rwo buildings, done during 'drying time'
Doors, doors and more doors...
All of which, when thrown together gave this !
View through arch on right side of building...
...and corresponding view from left side of building
Rear view of building
View showing the roof parapet and all those 'tiles'
View showing roof tiles petering off towards the rear
Another view, showing loose tiles on the flat roof
View showing the internals underneath the newly cut roof
I'm very pleased with the progress I've made with this model, it was a strugle, especially with all th necessary cutting of small bits.
I've used quite a range of materials for this model, foamboard for the walls, matchstick for the pillars, card for the arches and corrugated card for roofs. The parapet was made from scrap 2mm mdf, cut into roughly 1cm x 1.5 cm rectangles - all four hundred or so of them ! Evostick wood adhesive (undiluted) was also used throughout..
I remains to have the filler added on columns etc. and of course same texturing on the walls, before finally being painted - though this will probably be put on hold until all eight (or nine) buildings are completed.
Along with making this in the last week, I have been planning the next three buildings, all to be made as a single piece.
This week, I also took my life in my hands and nabbed a lift to 'Wilkos', grabbed a spray can of primer (though not my usual white) and quicly retreated back home. All of which means I can re-visit the painting of my first batch of Mexican banditos.
The final thing to report was a strange email from "The team at Blogger", who stated
"We have re-evaluated the post titled "WIPs" against Community
Guidelines https://blogger.com/go/contentpolicy. Upon review, the post has
been reinstated. You may access the post at
- Strange because I had no knowledge of them evaluating it in the first place! The post was in early March and appeared in my blog list as a draft, as did the following one, "The Bear Essentials", but I've re-published both now. Maybe Blogger can't spell and thought I meant "Whips" and maybe "Bares" ? Maybe I'll be told that it too has been re-evaluated ? Who knows ?
That's it then for this week, thanks for taking the time to visit; I hope this build has been of some interest and as always your comments are both welcomed and truly appreciated. I will get around to commenting on the blogs I normally comment upon, though Blaxx's Fantorical "Wix" website seems to hate me and won;t let me comment, despite my best efforts.