"You've been naughty I hear" |
Firstly let me wish all my wonderful followers, lurkers and the occasional wary visitor a very happy Yule, Mithrasmas, Winter Holiday etc.; in any event I do hope you enjoy the break.
Over the last month I've accumulated some more toys and things for my
collection from various sources, but all very useful as far as I'm
Firstly I got a very large tanker donated by No.1 son, as it was too big for his road wars project. It may be a tad under scale for my zombies, but it's big enough as not to be noticed as can be seen by Sid alongside it.
Now, Grandson No.1 is obsessed by cars, and I wanted the caravan from the "Car and Caravan" (Teamsters I think) as the car is just a bit too big for my liking, so I purchased (shock horror) the set from Wilkinson's (£4) and split it, making two very happy bunnies.
It'll probably end up as part of a trailer park or similar, but nevertheless another bit of scenery.
A Xmas shopping trip for decorations with SWMBO ended up with her buying me this ! (Yes I know it's unbelievable, but it's the season for this sort of thing)
It was marketed as another Teamsters model but the car is smaller and the caravan is different, so I was doubly pleased.
The same shopping trip saw me once more being bought yet another toy, which as can be seen is yet another Wilkinson's buy.
Its fairly large (1/43rd probably) but not so much that it's too noticeable.
The tunes it plays and the flashing light it has were immediately disabled.
Unlike the other vehicles, this one did have opening doors and rear hatch as shown by Sid.
The car and caravan cost £3 whilst the Ice cream van cost £2 (!) which I thought was a bargain.
" |
"Opening door wow !" |

A recent trip to the local Poundland turned up these bikes, not in the toy section but in a "part goodies" section. They're probably meant as fillers for kiddies party loot bags.
They are a bit on the large size of heroic for 28mm figures as can be seen in the photograph below, but if you put on sunglasses and squint they fit in quite well, besides at 20p each I won't be complaining.
My collection of vehicles has necessitated another tray to accommodate these latest arrivals and they're still a bit cramped.
The tanker only just fits in !
Last but not least and possibly taking first place in my 'finds' is this ball of plastic grass.
These are normally to be found in aquariums and the like but can be particularly expensive and generally smaller than the one show,
It's a ball of about 6" (15cm) diameter and splits into two halves. The individual bits are push on pieces with four bushes each connected by a small ring of plastic.
What is the most amazing thing about this ball of plastic goodness was the price which for £2 was a steal imo !
There was also another variant of 'grass'. looking much like clover, same price, same size but I thought it more suitable for fantasy games (I just know I'll probably regret the decision not to purchase one later.)
There was also a bigger size available but I thought it would be overkill.
The picture shows just how many bits I got from half of the 'ball' and each of the bush parts shown has four individual pieces. The road board
they are shown on is two foot square, which gives you an idea of the coverage attainable.
The frame they came off can be seen in the top right of the photograph and I immediately though that it had possibilities for conversion to a radar dish.
The photo on the right shows the individual bushes on their small circular bases.
They are very plasticcy and could probably do with a paintjob, but they are usable as they are imo.
Just in case you were wondering where I got this from, it came from B&M.
I couldn't just buy these and do nothing with them, so I quickly put together this little piece from foam board scrap and filler with a dab of paint.
The brick wall bits were left over from my park build and the bush pieces were all cut from their base. so the whole thing took less than a hour to complete.
I think I've picked up yet another follower but for the life of me I can't determine who it is- if you're out there and want a shout out (especially if you have a blog - just let me know).
That's it then for another week, I hope you have a wonderful time over the seasonal holidays and as always it's your comments that keep a lot of us bloggers going so as always they're welcomed and appreciated.