I retained four of the boards from my previous scenario, rotated them 90 degrees and added my SuperDuperMart and a parking lot for this scenario.
This was the night after the events of "When Jimmy met Milly".
The alley between the bank and the burger joint are at the bottom of the picture.

This would mean at least one cop would have to leave the vehicle and move to a position where he could spot the objective.
The markers do look out of place but it didn't really matter to me as they served their purpose for the game and were obvious to the player who would play as the cops.
As this is only the first night of the coming apocalypse there would still be civilians on the street and traffic - there was a lot fewer of both throughout the game. As I'm slowly introducing new elements of play to my scenarios, this game would feature PEFs (potential enemy forces) and the use of Events. For the latter I used the excellent set of cards produced by Colgar6 . I determined the Encounter rating of the Area to be 6 as it was really just a continuation of the previous scenario, This meant that every turn when two initiative dice were thrown any doubles of '6' or less an event would occur.
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Cop start position |
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PEF '5' start position. |
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All three PEFs |
The three PEFs can just be made out out on the photographs.
PEF '6' is in the bottom left of the photograph whilst PEF '4' is in the top right; PEF '6' can just be seen in the top left of the photograph.
The player playing the cops (my son-in law) had two cops at his disposal.
Officer Gunther Toody and Officer Francis Muldoon. As cops go neither of them are at all special, I've assumed that they were drafted in from their day-time desk work as the ongoing crisis develops in Perdition.
The stats for the pair of cops were:Officer Muldoon: Initiative 4, Leadership 3, Shooting 3, Melee 3, Driving 3
Officer Toody: Initiative 4, Leadership 3, Shooting 3, Melee 3, Driving 3
Both are armed with BA pistols (and a back-up pistol) and a nightstick. there is also a pump action shotgun in their vehicle.

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Two joggers arriving |
PEF '6' arriving fast. |
The start of turn two set the tone for the rest of this scenario with an event.

Muldoon elected to leave the vehicle to investigates the objective marker whilst Toody called for help.

On turn 3 Muldoon checked the first objective and the marker was removed and other than the normal civilian traffic nothing much else occurred.

[Somehow I'd missed moving PEV (6) allowing PEF (4) to catch it up, but it wasn't noticed by either of us whilst playing].
It was probably inevitable, given the way thing were going, that on Turn 5 another event occurred.
Was it officer Toody caught somehow in the handbrake reaching for a piece of fallen pizza No, of course it wasn't ! It was Muldoon snagged on the pallettes he was near.
Coupled to this was the fact that all three PEFs would activate before the three cop groups. (Muldoon was now far enough away from Toody that they were now two groups of' '1' and the civilian driving the tow truck was about to enter the table too)

(The yellow counter shows the "dead" zombies)

On the police activation Muldoon shoots twice and misses whilst Toody also shot twice and got a '2' and a '20'. The '2' is a hit and merely knocks the zombie down whilst the '20' is a possible Out of Ammo result. Rolling for Out of Ammo (based on the Target value of the weapon) of course resulted in Toody being Out of Ammo! Mulhoon is still snagged on the palette too!
The driver of the truck (now named as Mitchell Davis for reasons that escape me) slows to zero speed but takes his 1d6 bonus inches of movement.
Turn 7 opens with yet another event (the player playing the cops threw all the dice throughout this game).
Another die was thrown to determine which of the six possible roads this dog (and the zombies closely following it) would enter from and of course it was the one nearest the cops !
Luckily the cops acted next, Mulhoon fired once more at the downed zombie this time successfully ending its existence. Toody, having heard the ruckus behind him turned to see the dog and the four pursuing zombies then made a dash for the car to retrieve their shotgun.
"Mitch" accelerated to speed (1) and started to turn towards the exit. PEF (5) continued its movement towards the cops and was revealed as three civilians.

Turn 8 heralded yet another event, although at least this one was potentially beneficial to the cops. this bit of luck continued as the cops activated first.

The result being that the two zombies are knocked down. Mitch stopped the truck and watched.
To determine what the civilians would do we gave them three possible courses of action, this resulted in one going home, one going towards the cops "to help" and one watching the events as they unfolded.
The zombies and dog of course had their own agendas, the dog continued running and the two remaining standing zombies moved towards the cops.
The now freed Muldoon closes on the zombies and shoots twice whilst Toody once more with the shotgun opens up.
In the picture the white dice represent Toodys three shots, the yellow dice represent Muldoon's
and numbers show the order of their shot.
The gunfire result means the front two zombies have shook off their mortal coil, leaving just two more to deal with. It also results in Toody's once running out of ammo ! (for the shotgun)
The civilians decide that they've both had enough and head for home.

Muldoon shoots once at each zombie and misses both. Toody draws his small backup pistol and rushes a couple of shots off, getting a single hit but killing the zombie.
Turn 11 and once more there is no event and the single zombie activates first and charges Toody who manages to get off two shots, hitting and killing with one of them.

Turns 5 and 8 were "none events", in that they didn't apply, but turn 12 summed up their patrol and yes, that is the edge of the board, just by the carpark.
At that stage we called it finished.
I know how I get frustrated with some bat-reps leaving you dangling, waiting for the next part so although this is a very long report I thought it worth the effort of posting it all at once - congratulations and thanks to all those that managed to read it through this far.
As always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated