find any motivation to do anything hobby-wise, but nevertheless I set myself a target to cut, file, assemble and base my Perry Zouaves (plus additional command sprue). I was ably assited by having some documentaries on the TV as background noise.
Here's my 'diary' for the week:
In addition to writing Monday's blog post, editing pictures etc. I cut out more bases, 20mm square on thin cardboard, as my supply was minimal.
I manged to bring my stock up to a reasonable amount (about 100) knowing I had the Tribal plastics still to go.
Time spent: Just over an hour.
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Acorns, oak trees etc. |
Time spent: Two hours.
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Completely 'harmless' |
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The results of sandy-glued fingers |
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Attack of the headless |
Cutting right and left hand arms from the sprues; all the matching 'A's were cut first and attached, then all the "B's. Officers, flag wavers . sergeants and a drummer all had their various accoutrements added.
Of course all the usual filing of the bits was necessary and I did lose two musket arms in the process!
Time spent : Three hours plus (!)
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Looking almost ready for ainting (aaarrggghhh) |
Heads, had to be cut from the sprues with all the usual filing etc.
This was really a nerve wracking process as there was only the exact amount of headdress models for the figures I had. The turban- wrapped fez also had the flapping 'end' cut flush whilst the two fezzes needed had their exceedingly large tassels trimmed to a more reasonable (imo) size.
Time spent : 2 Hours plus
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Half-way through undercoating |
Repeating the process sometime later I was much happier with the results.
Luckily SWIMBO was on a bubbling jaunt, so the figures could dry inside (plastics eh?).
Despite various 'intrusions' during the week, by relatives and feeling generlly 'down' about blogging, gaming and everything else that goes wrong in real-life I managed twelve hours of hobby 'stuff' - three times more than my usual minimal output.Overall then a very successful week from my pov but I do have several blogs to catch up on despite efforts to keep up to date.
That's it then for this week, where nothing interesting happened, not much to post and little interest shown in what I'm doing. - makes me wish I was into fantasy ! (NOT)
As always your comments are welcomed and appreciated and apolgies for the lack of completely or even slightly blurry pictures.