I have managed though to finish off another dozen reprobates from my painting table including these two zombies, both of whom are Old Glory minis. I remember Lucky Joe mentioning that he didn't like the tatty clothed appearance of some of OG's zombies, but I can easily see "seasoned" zombies ending up this way. I'm less impressed with naked figures (zombies or otherwise) and whilst I'm certainly not prudish, I do feel it is unnecessary and maybe a tad disturbing, but each to their own.
Next up three Foundry minis, another 'large' figure (maybe another boss-type ?) a rather splendid chap with assault rifle slung over his shoulder (who wears a buttonhole in an apocalypse ?) and an archetypical detective. This last character has his badge on show and the familiar shoulder-gun harness, but what I particularly like about this chap is his height, he's smaller than average (for Foundry at least), but he retains correct proportions (his head doesn't shrink !) It's normally given as an excuse mixing different scales of figures that people are different heights etc. and whilst this is certainly true, their head sizes vary very little - rant over.
Next up, three females, from left to right, a Black Cat, Foundry and another BC. I do really like BC figures and whilst they may still be having problems, my service from them in the past has been first class. The woman scientist-type is available in a set of three (saving a bit of cash); the foundry female is another detective type (the badge is a giveaway); the female with child is one of my favourites and could easily be used across many periods as her attire is fairly universal.
Lastly another three civilian types.
I'm not sure of the provenance of the chap on the left armed with a very indistinct weapon, the centre figure though is a Foundry and the wannabe thug on the right I believe is yet another Black Cat.
All the photo (including the blurry-ish one) were taken using my new-found technique of image auto-enhancement, which does little for my photography prowess, but has eradicated flash glare problems and replaced them with colour ones - oh well.
It just remains for me to welcome my latest two followers "George" and "Paul Waechter", neither of whom seem to have a blog, I hope they both find something of interest here.
That's it then for another week and as always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.