I realsied that all my pictures last week were viewed from the exit end of the supermarket, so this first photograph shows the view from the Entrance end, not much I know but it's included for the sake of completeness.
Next up is an item that wasn't in last week's photographs as I was undecided as to whether or not to actually include it in the finished model, even though it was finished.
It's obvious (hopefully) as to what it is meant to be and it would have been situated opposite the tills (top left of the photo above).
It may still be added to the supermarket at some future date or held for use in some future build.
The newspapers are reduced photocopies of newspapers made about the time of Obama's November election, hence the headlines.
It was impossible to show the back of the deli counter once it was in situ, put here's a photograph showing it before it was glued in place.
All the products are off-cuts of cork, cut or filed. The trays the cheeses stand on are card. The counter itself sits on two layers of 5mm foamboard, which you can just make out.
The back store shelving was made from the stuff I call "plastic canvas" available from places that sell embroidery stuff.
The supports are all matchsticks.
The final photograph, shows some of the things that I'd made, but for one reason or another, they were never included in the final model.

All the box-type packages are layers of foamboard, scored or cut with a razor saw after they'd been glued together. I more or less stuck to a rule of no more than three colours per item.
The ball with the slice cut out, is upside down and was meant as another cheese (there's another tray in the background too that wasn't used)
The newspaper was going to be left somewhere (probably for Sid to clean up), but it was left out to be used elsewhere .
The circular things are my attempts at pizzas and they'll certainly feature in the future, as will the few tins.
That's all for this week.
Comments, as always are both welcomed and appreciated.