John, Paul, George and Ringo (though not necessarily in that order) |
as can be seen in the photograph on the right I managed to finish off the three explorers to complete the four-some pack, destined for "Adventures in Jimland"
They'll obviously not win any painting conditions, but they're as table ready as they'll ever be. From my school of miniature painting (the "Slap-dash that'll do school") they're good enough for me at least!
I reckon considering my ever-failing eyesight and degenerating colour vision I've done good. *as they say in the vernacular).
So here's the new individuals, front and back views (as requested by someone)
The guy who knows what he's doing type |
Rear view |
Guy with mysterious object (in right hand)
(He'll be glad he wore his brown pants) |
Guy with all the gear but completely clueless |
View the natives will probably see of him |
So that's it for this week's show and tell, not much but it does prevent boredom setting in (yours and mine).
It's not all I've been working on though, in the intermittent periods of doom and despondency that filter through my anxiety and depression I've made progress on my four terrain boards (the harbour and three other plain ones), which mostly consisted of completely starting the plain boards from scratch for the third time! the harbour board has had a slight overhaul too, but nothing drastic.
In addition to finishing off the explorers I've also been making great inroads into finishing off the two dozen villagers for my pirate project. I reckon at least half of these should be table ready in a week, so prepared to be bored soon!
Speaking of which:
New board (obligatory boring photograph) |
Thanks for taking the time to visit, I hope your journey here wasn't too boring and as always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated, as well as motivating, encouraging, occasionally amusing and definitely I'm sure one of the reasons why we all keep blogging!