Welcome to my blog, the story of my continuing journey into the World of Zombie Wargames.

Monday, 27 July 2020

Afghan Askari ?

My painting output this last week started well, but quickly deteriorated into nothingness by Wednesday, the last time that I touched a paintbrush !.I did however spend several hours finishing the yellow piping/trim on my Zouaves !
Amongst my older paints I found another three yellows to add to the other four I'd tried, but amongst these older finds was a yellow that had a much better coverage than any of the others I'd used (GW "Yriel" yellow if you're interested), so no need for an under-layer of white.
The inevitable rear view
After the yellow I painted the musket barrel straps and by that stage decided I'd had enough of these. I had however assembled and based four more 'Atlantic' Afghans and by using the 'fez' heads from the Zouaves sets (after minor surgery) created these four makeshift Askari!

Some minor cutting off of sword scabbards, knives  etc. was necessary, but east enough and I'm pretty happy with the final outcome.
My hybrid Askari along with four OG askari in the rear.
Rear view of the above (obviously)
With new medications, my latest hospital consultations and results of same, my energy levels are low and it's all quite depressing. Daubing paint onto figures etc. is currently not at the top of my list of things to do, but I've been here before and no doubt will recover enough to have something ready for next week's post !

That's it then for yet another week, thanks for taking the time to visit and as always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.

 I will be trying to catch up on a week's worth of commenting on the blogs of others as my situation allows.


  1. Always hate when doctors change medication, seems to take forever for the body to catch up, hope you feel better soon.
    Yriel yellow works well, and use it all the time, it's a far cry from GW sunburst yellow which never covered well at all.
    Great work on your Askari and clever use of the spare parts to give yourself a unique set of miniatures

    1. Thanks Dave, the meds are fine, just a couple of newones and anothe rhas had its dosage doubled., but all is well atm.
      Sunbrst yellow was a complete fail, but this "yriel" stuff works well.
      As the 'Askari' are for Jimland, there's no reaosn not to use them in this tae- Accuracy ? - pah !

  2. The hybrid Askari look great Joe. Sorry you're under the weather. Take care.

    1. Thanks MJT, the maximum I need for Jimland is nine Askari and I'm sure I've got another somewhere - if not then expect another conversion.
      Health-wise nothing much has really changed, but the 'lows' atm our-weigh the 'highs'.

  3. Sorry to hear that the meds are not sitting right Joe, hopefully that will sort itself out in due course. Got to be happy with the conversions though, they look great and work well with the others.

    1. Thanks Michael, I really should stop going to the Docs, they keep finding new things wrong with me.
      I reckon everyone must go through the lack of 'mojo' from time to time, but I'll come out of my ;ow; eventually,
      I was sceptical at first about these pseudo-Askari, but they'lldo the job I want.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Michal, it's nothing, more depression Ithan anything else.

  5. Tough sounding real life but the conversions work really well,I guess that is the beauty of plastic that converting is so easy, almost makes up for all the time building them,almost!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks iain, atm Real=life does suck; mostly I'm finding a lack of energy and purpose in the hobby, but I'llget over it!

      Plastics, seemingly, are both easy to mix and matxh and convert. I would never have dreamed of swpping heads on metals, bt spare heads are good !

  6. The askaris look fine and will do the job once you find the errant one you'll be up to strenght, at keast on the tabke if not in real life.
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Vagabond, I'm pleased now to be able to field Asakri-looking figures rather than using subsitutes. The awol Askari will be tracked down !

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Brummie, they may not look that stunning , but they'll do the job eh?

  8. I'm right there with you Joe on the low energy levels and the depression - a major reason why I just can't get my blog updated.
    Despite all that, you've done a cracking job on those figures 😀

    1. Thanks Ivor, I think many of us bloggers are going through similar experiences, depression anxiety and other real-lif problems are no fun at all and hence my production line has almost, but not quite, slowed to a stop.
