Welcome to my blog, the story of my continuing journey into the World of Zombie Wargames.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Merry Mithrasmas

It's that time of year again, when we once more celebrate the midwinter equinox and attach various festivals to it, whether it be the Pagan festival of Yule, the birth of Mithras (25th December), Bacchus and Saturnalia  and others. The 25th Decenber was probably also adopted by the Christian faith as the date for the Birth of Christ and hence Christmas! (Yay)

  Whatever your beliefs, enjoy the holiday season doing whatever it is you do to celebrate or relax  relax etc.

I'll be back next week with another post 'padding out' the rest of the year as I'm more or less banned from painting, building models and most everything else hobby-related. It turns out that I have to enjoy the break !

So from me, to all the visitors to my blog, whether you're a regular, occasional or new: 

Io Saturnalia ! Dress up, drink to excess and exchange gifts as the Romans did.

or Celebrate Mithras , slaughter a Bull and drinks its blood

Just do  whatever you do !

(or just have a Merry Xmas as I intend to do !)


  1. Hope you have a great celebration Joe, and enjoy the relaxing ! It will soon be over and then back to modelling ! LOL

    1. Thanks dave, I'm sure I'll be a lot less grumpier than usual and the longer daylight hours are something to look forward to too.

  2. Great little post Joe,& Merry Christmas :)

    1. Thanks Frank and a very Merry Xmas to you and yours too!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and the family!

    1. Thanks Brummie, a very Merry Xmas to you and yours too.

  4. Wishing you all the very best Joe.

    1. Thanks you Michael, a very Merry Xams to all at Awdry Towers too.

  5. Merry X-mas for You and family sir!

    1. Thanks you Michal, have a very Merry Xmas too.

  6. Merry Chrismas Joe, it's been a pleasure reading your blog over the last year, so take some enfirced time ti enjoy yourself ;)
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Vagabond, that's much appreciated (how did you spot a need a break ?) and the same right back at you. I hoope you enjoy the holiday breakandcome back re-charged as I too intend.
      Have a very Merry Xmas.
