This weeks sees the last two drawers of my painted 7YW collection (the eighth drawer contains my Vietnam collection of helicopters !), though there is another drawer of unpainted figures and other stuff.
The first drawer contained all my artillery, for Prussia, Hanover/Britain, and Austria, though there may be some French in there too!
The photograph at the top is of three Hanoverian guns, from left to right, a light gun, a howitzer and a field gun, the three different barrels then supplied from Spencer Smith. The gunners in this instance are all metal Hinchcliffe figures iirc.
Here's the rest of the photographs:
The mixed contents of the artillery drawer
Left-hand view of the top three guns
Bonus right hand view of Austrian guns, metal and plastic figures
Bonus rear view of the Austrians
All the guns are virtually identical for each nation are quite identical and I think pretty pointless in showing row upon row of them imho. There's alost certainly more than two dozen pieces .
Of far more interst, to me at least, was the final drawer:
The hotpotch of the final drawer
So here's what was present in the drawer:
Yet more Prussain combined grenadiers (probably casualties from the final game)
British Cavalry with French Cavalry (probably) in their rear
French or British Cavlry in front with Hanoverian Horse Grenadiers behind
Nearly a whole Cavalry brigade, probably stored in the wrong place !
My homemade limbers (- probably Prussian)
Prussian pioneers/engineers, all conversions, probably for some specific scenario
Commanders, all probably Austrian, plus of course Charles Stuart on the right !
Prussain and allied Generals, Zeiten left, Marlborough (?- yep I know), a generic Hanoverian General, my converted Frederick II and of course Oliver Cormwell,. Note:We were very short of officers!
Bonus rear view of the above, Zeiten's cloak was plasticine !
From other Drawers :
British and Hanoverian generals
A Hanoverian general and a coupe of Austrian generals (probably)
The general officers were a mixture of Hinchliffe and Minifig, plus a few converted plastics, the metal gunners were all Hinchcliffe iirc.
That's it then for this week, the next two posts almost take care of themselves, Xmas/holidy greetings, and hopes for the comig year, plus maybe the Xmas haul - mine will be a single book !
In the New Year, I have some old photographs to show, mostly from the 1970s ! My wife came across them whilst 'sorting' whilst I came across a yellowed Newspaper clipping of myself and a friend posing with some Napoleonic figures (the latter long since gone).
Thanks for taking the time to visit, hopefully there was something of interest and I will be returning to my 7YW in the coming month, for no other reason than I can't think of anything else to write about !
As always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated - so comment whilst you still can !
Another great looking collection!
ReplyDeleteBest regards
Thanks Michal, you'll be happy to hear that it;s the last of them!
DeleteA veritable collection you found in that draw Joe, artillery more cavalry, and a whole collection of generals, excellent stuff throughout.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave, I doubt people9including myself) were that bothered which drawer/contaners figures went into after our Minden re-fight
DeleteHi Joe, as you see I'm still not reading blogs generally but your posts on the Spencer Smith are fantastic, I've just gone back through them all and you made me realize how deeply regret I just missed out on building large armies of these iconic figures, I probably have 200 foot and 70 or so horse.
ReplyDeleteIn the end I went down the 15mm route and created a large French Army, there's still quite a few battalions to paint.
It's a shame you don't have any pictures of past battles, especially the Minden one you refered to, that would be fantastic. Perhaps you could do an army review and form them all up on parade for us to inspect them ;)
Thanks John, I bought a shoebox of these figures just after our MInden game (late 90s ?) and never got around to using them sadly.
DeleteI must say though they do do splendid en massed (preferable from a great distance and dim light) but the thought of putting them all out just to take a photograph!
It may be a good filler though for a post though, but ,u table still need a good tidyng up !
Lovely old figures Joe. Get them all sorted and have a massive game.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray, I really would like to do so, but all the folk I know up here have no interest in most historical games - too few orks or space marines for their liking.
DeleteAnother fantastic post of Spencer Smith goody goodness Joe, personally the best figures in SYW, iconic and a joy to look at. These post are an inspiration to me, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Willz, whilst the figures were never really meant for the 7YW, I think it was Charles Grant that made them an iconic fit and of course I fell for them too.
DeleteI must say though that I do wish I'd based them up a bit better !
I also saw a great seige game using these figures (in metal) at the Battlegound Show in 2017 by Lancaster Cellerman iirc, I was so fascinated by it and the chap running it that I forgot to take any pics !
Certainly a trip back to early historicals! Nice collection you've got yourself. A couple of my gaming chums have 54mm figures as well (mostly French Indian War & 1812 era stuff) which we've seen on the tables a couple of times. Reading some of the others comments, I do hope you get an opportunity to get them onto the table for a battle.
ReplyDeleteThanks terry, I have some old Britain's "Swoppets" for the French-Indian wars in 54mm too which have seen some table-top-action ! It woul dbe great to have these on the tble again, but I doubt it will ever happen, sadly.
DeleteWow! This is getting better and better. The collection is very nice and my advice is to seek up a suitable set of rules to start using these lovely figures on the gaming-table.Very inspirational and nice paintjob.Thankyou for posting this
ReplyDeleteThanks Ptr, I have been trying rules for this period for many years (and the quest hasn't stopped). I had finally arrived at using my own version of "Principles of War" ammended slightly to fit the 7YW era. Just recently I have finally been able to pick up a copy of the PoW 18th century specific rules!
DeleteI tend to tinker with every set of rules I use and have written my own campaign rules to fit rules too.
Great looking artillery park and interesting collection of generals!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Thanks Iain, it amuseo me too that we had such a mixture of figures, though I think 'Marlborugh' fited nicely into the priod.
DeleteMore great models Joe, please tell me there are more draws of forgotten wonders for you to share with us 😊
ReplyDeleteThans Frank, as far as the 7YW troops are concerned there is another large drawer, though it contains mostly unaointed figures and gre dozen pinted but never use dfigures !
DeleteI think that, over the last two years or so, I've now shown just about every painted figure I have !
Glad to read you have unpainted figures in a drawer somewhere, cos you know what that means, plenty of time to entertain us all.
ReplyDeleteKeep well.
Thanks Douglas, but I don't think I'll ever nned them, never mind wanting to paint them !
DeleteI have quite a few other unpainted minis from other periods too from unfunished projects and some finished ones too!