Welcome to my blog, the story of my continuing journey into the World of Zombie Wargames.

Monday, 28 December 2015

2015 - Where did it go ?

Water Tower
Well, 2015 came and went in a flash and although I didn't manage to put any  paint on any figures this last year I still feel that I did manage to a few things done.

In January, I finished off this Water Tower,

 and "Bonerippers"

 and a random Downtown building

 I managed to play games in February and March, which was a welcome break  from fiddling about with bits of scrap, foamboard and paper printouts.


Downtown building

Office building
For nearly all of April and May I was ill and was unable to blog, but eventually was recovered enough to continue blogging in June with another downtown office building built from foamboard (no interior).
I did also manage to fit in another game in June too, which was a bonus.

July and August were mostly taken up  with minor scenic bits (mostly roof-top furniture) and a large composite model made from foamboard,  that had originally been intended for use as a Hospital.

Largest model to date
Container Office
 September saw me complete one of the smaller models I built during 2015, a container office 
 I'd also managed to make lots of containers at about the same time too.
I managed to fit another game in during October and built up enough enthusiasm to continue with a build I had started in 2012 - The Stree. This latter build has had to take a back seat for the moment as I await printouts for the interior walls and floors 0 and a back staircase still needs to be built.

"The Street"

And other than a few minor bits and pieces, that was it for me in 2015, which on reflection turned out much better than I thought it would. For 2016, I hope that a can maintain my waning enthusiasm to at least that of 2015.

That's ot then for this week (and for this year too), I hope you all have had an enjoyable seasonal break and are all looking forward to a prosperous and industrious New Year. 

Monday, 21 December 2015

Happy Holidays

"You're on the naughty list  - Right ?"
Nothing to report this week, but I will take the opportunity to wish everyone of my followers "Seasonal Greetings".
It's been a very strange year for me, but quite productive in some respects. more of which I'll be posting about next week.
But for all those that follow this blog and post comments I am truly appreciative. For those who have their own blogs that I also follow (many more than I can find time to comment on) I have also to thank, for their inspirational posts, their entertaining aars,, wonderful painting etc. etc.

I hope you all have a great holiday season and enjoy the break; to those of you in the painting challenge -good luck and to those in the unfortunate position of having to work over the holiday period, here's hoping it's not too arduous.

Until next time, thanks for taking the time to read.

Monday, 14 December 2015

Paint-table 2015

Another reason why I can't have nice things
The photograph shows my paint-table as it has been for much of 2015 and you wonder why I haven't painted any 28mms this year!
There are some 28mms(though not for my zombies); they're just about visible,  on the table (bottom right) that have had some paint applied, but even though they were started in January (or thereabouts ), they're still not finished ! There are other 28mm figures there too for my zombie games, but they'll need an archaeological expedition to find them.
In the bottom centre are four more 54mms that I'm currently painting for my Gladiator project, the latter having received much of my painting time this year.
In case you're wondering, I don't really use this table to sit and paint at, I tend to use an additional separate tray with the figures and paints I'll be using on it and I also have a large box of paints (of a similar size to the above table) containing mostly tube of acrylic, rather than pots.
Painting anything is more or less currently off my agenda, not for any major health reasons (for a change), but for flagging enthusiasm and other real-life issues.

That's it for this week, no progress in anything zombie-related !

Monday, 7 December 2015

Burger Joint (Street 6)

So this week I've made a start on the internal fittings for the street's burger joint.
It took a while to make all the pre-fabricated bits to align and fit into something that I was happy with.
I also had to omit a wall as I was running out of internal space to fit it - one of the problems of not allowing for wall thicknesses when planning a model.
Plan view
Here then is a general plan view of the 'woring' end of the burger joint, notice how the camera angle makes the whole thing look skewed ? - (There's a reason for that, as it is -  but not as much as appears).
The photograph below shows a larger view of the place, so, clockwise from the door*where Sid is)we have the kitchen unit, toilet (rest room for any US readers), main seating area (currently standing only), the counter area and a small store area. 

Bigger plan view of the 'important' bit

Kitchen - from a WorldWorksGame pack
Toiler entrance (notice the door to the counter area)

Counter service area with Sid in the Kitchen
Reverse view of counter 

The 'missing'  wall was a short section between the back door and  the store area, but I decided it would be too small in the final build and was omitted.
Some bits from my bits box; I'm not happy with the washers (guess where they're for) , but the kitchen unit and boxes are OK and will be usable .

Shelving once more by WorldWorksGames
The photograph on the right shows a quick mock-up of the Blue Sun store, using bits, again from my bits box, that I made several years ago. I will scratch-build some specifically for the Blue Sun store though, as I originally intended and as I did for my Superdupermart

Storage area for the Blue Sun

The store-room for the Blue Sun store will probably have some shelving added and a few extras too - the boxes came from my bit's box and were made for the storeroom (years ago too)
The most 'interesting' bit of this photograph is probably the slot that can be seen on the back wall, for the shutter door to be inserted into - hence making an opening door.
The door was made (years ago) but remains elusive  - I've a feeling a may have to make another one = ho-hum

Stairs ?
I also had an attempt at making some card stairs for the rear of the building, but as can be sen from the photograph this was a bit of a catastrophe and one of the reasons I decide to do more scratch-building rather than pure card-stock stuff as this model was meant to be.
Building in card is not as easy as some would have us believe.  Losing bits, doesn't help either One of my steps from this aborted staircase went missing too !
Soapy Waters' proper entrance
Whilst on the subject of missing bits, to add to the list was the doorway for 'Soapy Waters'  - the laundromat and centre building of my street. This of course showed up after I'd improvised a new entrance and had it glued into place!

This is why I can't have nice things
The photograph on the right shows the typical devastation to my games table that occurs when I'm building anything. I need to really clear this up for the holiday period on the off-chance that I'll be able to get a game in (I also need to clear our dining table, where my arena sits for a completely different, but probably obvious reason)

 Further work on this project has had to be halted until my printing queue is back on track and I get around to designing the upper floor layout, so that's all for this week, goodness knows what I'll have to post about next time, but I hope you've found something of interest.