Whilst I haven't anything to really post about this week, rather than not have a post at all I thought I'd show you all the state of play (or not) of my current situation.
The photograph on the right shows the state of my painting area, currently being used as a conenient dumping ground for anything to hand and hasn't seen use as a proper painting area for about a year.
The few things I have managed to paint have all been done from a wooden slab that I use regularly for carrying figures on that are to be spray undercoated (Photograph below)
My paint-table 'annexe'
I have thought several times to renew my adventure in Jimland, they take up little space, are fun to play and I can do them solo (I've had enough practise), but whenever I've looked at the state of my games room I give up. The room hasn't seen a game for sometime (about two years) and that was just me experimenting with western rules ! So the priority for me atm is packing away all the stuff and putting it back in storage, whilst finding new space for all my Magnificent Seven buildings thats have added to my western collection. I fear some of my old building may well have had their day.
I really have used up all the space available to me, two bedrooms and there is still spillage into our dining area (where I've played my gladiator games). (My living room currently has a row of buildings and the Church for the Magnificent Seven.)
The current state of my games table, that also doubled as a Xmas present wrapping station
In addition to the table being used now as just another storage area and unfortnately anything that has recently landed on the floor has had to stay there, due to my current inabilty to bend at the waist to reach anything on the floor. SO over the next couple of weeks I'm going to assign an hour a day to tidy this room up, store my old western buildings and fins somewhere where the Magnifient Seven building can reside.
I'll let you know how I get on next week probably as I can't imagine anything what else i can post about.
That's it then for another week, sorry there's no better news from this end .