The main hall. |
So on Saturday I ventured south to Durham Wargames Group Open Day despite it being the monsoon season here in God's country. My travel arrangements were such that I could only spend at most 2 hours at the show, but little did I know that I would need less than an hour!
I've attended many DWG shows over the years, both as a member of DWG and as a punter, though not in the last couple of years.
The other hall |
As you'd expect there were games (four !) and many, many sellers of Wargaming delights (and some rubbish probably).
For once, the show seemed busy, but as I'd left well before lunch time, I can't even guess what it was like after lunch, traditionally the time when the show died a long slow death.
"Don't Panic" |
Of the four games that were on display, one was a joy to watch, two were meh, and the Durham group's own game had little more than I'd expect from a good club game, despite the terrain being built by a former member.
In the main hall, squeezed in between the numerous traders (nine or ten) were two games, "Don't Panic" by Redcar Iron beards may have been a participation game and event though well-presented, it left me cold.
The photograph to the right shows the entirety of the game.
The second game in the main hall was slightly larger and although I did take note of what it was all abut I can't for the sake of me remember any of it!
By the pikemen and flags depicted it was set some 50 years either side of 1600 bce. A good looking game I guess, but one I couldn't really say was particularly absorbing.
Please note that the old 'problem' of debris and detritus on the tables, I've mostly photo-shopped out, but it was present on every game, to one degree or another.
The Tantobie lads' game - war of the Roses iirc. |
By far the most impressive game was situated in the smaller hall with about six participants, all of whom were more than willing to chat to Joe Public (my alter ego) and was put on by a small group from Tantobie (in Durham).
The game was a feast for the eyes, 40mm War of the Roses figures with some old commercial buildings alongside some scratch-build models too.
Though it seemed it would be a slow boiler, they were rolling dice from the get-go and it had progressed fairly quickly, even during the little time I was at the show. (I spent more time around this game than doing anything else)
The figures - superbly painted 40mms |
More of the same (various painters too iirc) |
Another view of the village |
The Union 'end' |
Outside the main venue, one had to brave the monsoon to take a brief walk to the Bowling green hut for both the Bring and Buy (busy) and the Durham group's own game - a 28mm American Civil War action set in the Shenadoah valley.
The ACW is one of my favourite periods and given the chance, I would have gladly participated in this game, had it not been a dsiplay game; it lacked a certain 'something' that I can't quite put my finger on. The rules and players I know well 'Johnny Reb' and old Durham Wargame group members) that I have played many games with using my own 15mm ACW armies.
The Confederate 'end' of the table |
The Bring & Buy |
Charlie with Northumbria games closing down sale! |
There were many prominent traders present, Dave Thomas, selling mostly Perry, Colonel Bill, Irregular Miniatures, Pendraken to name but a few. I think the trade stands outnumbered the games by at least four or five to one.
I did take a few pics of the traders too...
...mostly for nostalgia, I guess.
I'm a sucker for Irregular minis and have bought many kilos of them after the liquid lunch at many a Durham Wargames show, but his time around I simply didn't have anything on my shopping list , despite poring over their catalogue the previous evening!
Charlie at Northumbria games is a very old friend and it was a bit sad to see he was giving up trading.
Ian at Irregular Minis |
The few purchase I made were from Colonel Bill's ( a pack of 17c villagers and a pack of Explorers) and Andy, from 'Old Glory UK', who was the brains behind the Tantobie Boys' game brought me a selection of Africa/ Lost world Natives and a pack of the "Village Mob" from their Pirates range.
I ended up with two packs of masked natives even though I was sorely tempted by the others packs offered up.
Jungle - wip |
So spent up, more or less, soaked through by the walk to and from the pavilion and fairly bored by the whole show I headed homeward. I reckon I had been at the show for little more than an hour!
In other news...
Even though I have not been at 100% capacity for anything over the last week, I've still been making inroads into getting more jungle terrain completed, but more of that next time.
I also managed to paint the bearer that had somehow got separated from the others and with just his base to finish, that's another
victim member to add to any expedition into ''JImland"
That's it then for this week, as always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.