So saturday (2/9/23), saw me with wife and daughter in tow, attending my local show, Border Reiver.
Noramlly I'd see a dozen or so gamers I know at this event, though this time I only managed a mere three. One was a gamer I've known for about fifty years and only saw at wargame shows but I hadn't seen for about ten or more years. Seeing him made the trip worth while.
Thephotograph on the right shows the bring and buy which ws busy all the time I was there.
Here's the photographs that I got of the rest of the show:
The cake stand as busy as any wargame stand
The Forlorn Hope's game club, great modular terrain
In case you couldn't spot the aircraft or figures!
No-one on hand to explain what this was all about.
Middlesborough's game of good versus evil ?
Evil (or possibly Good)
Good (or possibly Evil)
Pass - I can't recollect the seller
Dave Lanchester Books
Mini Bits ?
Phoenix games
Eagle Miniatures
Keelmen Miniatures -great figures I knew nothing about.
Colonel Bill's Huge stand (part)
Heaton games club - Warhammer
One of their usual chaotic games
Pass - possibly more of Col. Bill's ?
A Napoleonic game by Paddy Stevenson
15mm figures iirc
Very good paintjobs imho
Dave Thomas' Perry Plastics and much more
Westerhope's beautiful Seven Years War game
Figures are semi-solid home casts from Prince August moulds
View of the French from the Allies' side
The whole battlefield, loosely based on Fontenoy
(I know Fontenoy was not in the 7YW),
Another 7YW game again form Westerhope gamers but in 15mm
The Galloping Major's display case
Alpha Strike by Leeds Wargame Club
The whole shebang
Close up of the Mechs in the game
Andrew Wiley's Venice game (new to me)
Death on the Nile by Tyneside Gamers
A space game by ...
"Always Above" WW1 air game
Fokker Triplane versus two British Sopwith camels
Whitley Bay ancient game
Celts (I think)
And more Celt slingers
Don't know who these guys were
Empires at war
Dawn of Chivalry (a reenactment group probably)
Bow and Blade
Faux Geek
And that's the show, quite a few traders and games didn't show up for diverse reasons but all told it was a good show and a chance for me to get out of the house.
For loot, I nearly bought some KR foam trays but my daughter did buy a paint-brush (for face-painting).
And that's it for another month, thanks for taking the time to visit and of course your comments are welcomed and appreciated,
Loads of good stuff going on - thanks for sharing the pictures Joe.
ReplyDeleteThanks MJT there was something for everyone
DeleteLooks a great show Joe, a tad too far north for me and the Rejects though.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ray, so how about Stockton's Broadside (bigger show down souf)
DeleteLots of stuff to have a good mooch at, so thanks for taking the time to take and post the pics and write-up, Joe. I have thought about a trip up to Gateshead for the show. But this year the date clashed with Warlord Games' Open Day and next week is Colours in Newbury - so perhaps some southern gamers are waiting for that..?
ReplyDeleteThanks Blaxx, as I mention above the Stockton show "Broadside" is a bigger show in Novemberwith free entry.
DeleteThanks for sharing Joe, it is nice to see shows that I can't get to. A wonderful wargaming eye candy treat.
Thanks Willz, I feel the same about all the great shows down south thant I can't get to.
DeleteSome very impressive looking games & vendors! Just seeing all that gaming goodness, can't help but make a person happy!
ReplyDeleteThanks Terry, I was suprised at a new Vendor with excellent figures that I'd never heard of and if the sheer quantity of stuff for every period and genre doesn't get you salivating then I don;t know what will.
DeleteSo glad to hear the show was worth it Joe, for meeting up with your old gamer buddy. It's the one thing I've missed about doing the shows, catching up with the people I would chat to every year we attended.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave, it's definetly the draw of the shows for me too, though I'd expected to have seen a lot more.
DeleteGreat looking show sir!
ReplyDeleteTHanks you Michal, much appreciated.
DeleteInspirational pictures and must have been a real good day for a fellow gamer. Too far for me to travel and I envy you! ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, thanks Ptr, surely youmust have shows in your neck of the woods ? If not, it's just a short ferry ride away eh ?
DeleteI now live far from any shows or gaming-clubs I am afraid, but the internet sure helps to get some inspiration.
DeleteThat's sad, but thank goodness for the internet.
DeleteGood looking show, I was disappointed there was no Colonel Bill at Salute, if I'm lucky I'll make it to Partizan in October, that's far enough north for me, even if its only the Midlands!
ReplyDeleteBest Iain
Haha, thanks Iain, Partizan is justa bit too far south for me - a three hour drive.
DeleteI am friends with a Trader who quoted me the price for a stand at Salute many years ago and I 'm not surprised traders don't go,
Man, I'd love to go to something like that. Thanks for posting the photos, Joe! Those gaming boards and scenery are amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks Matt, there are quite a few small shows like this one with in a two hour drive of me, it's sad it's not the case for you.
DeleteHi Joe good to see you got out to a show, with Mrs Joe and Miss Joe, well done for getting them to go along. Mrs V wouldn't go even if I promised her a holiday in the Seychelles. Probably because she knows I'd renege on my promise, but there you go.
ReplyDeleteI've just popped by because I have a memory of you making vases from beads and I'm hoping to copy your ideas on how you did the necks. Hopefully I can find your post.
Take care.
Oh and I was very disappointed with your pictures of the Westerhope 7 years war game. I know it's obligatory for you to have at least 1 shot out of focus but you got all the ones of this game out of focus. It's a shame because it looked just how I like my 7 years war games to look, a mix of Charles Grant and Peter Young.
DeleteMaybe next year you could get Mrs Joe to take the picture. ;)
Thanks John, sorry about the pics, you have to realise they looked fine to me at the time (and still do), such is the state of my eyesight. But there will be other posts about the show that will have better pics and they may also put on another at Battleground in November.
DeleteFound it, 4 years ago.
ReplyDeleteYou used green stuff for the lips, I've only got DAS! I still think they look great.
Thanks John, I used Geeenstuff my son had giiven me but it was very old and hard, normally I use plasticene (Modelling clay ) and varnish for such things. I'm pretty sure Das will do just as good a job.
DeleteI made the vases, thanks for the idea. Mine aren't quite as well formed as yours but I'm very pleased with them, I've been meaning to do this ever since I saw yours. Only taken 4 years!!
DeleteOnly joking about the photos. :)
My jars don't pass close inspection either, so yours should be fine.
DeleteI gatherered your jibe at my photos was in good humour, I'm no photographer.
Your post was a delight to read! Please continue sharing your insights. I'm eager for more!