
Monday, 3 December 2018


     My six pack
My wolves would have been posted last week but for the excellent "Battlegrounds" show taking priority and this week would have seen me posting my take on a Smilodon (Sabre Tooth). The Smilodon will feature next week, giving me a bit of a buffer to get my two wooly rhinos finished (fingers crossed).
There's really not that much to say about the wolves, they're DeeZee models from Arcane Scenery and of course my painting hasn't done them any favours!
On to the photos :
Obligatory boring picture
Slightly less blurry side view
Formation dancing wolves
Mandatory rear view
"Grandma, what big teeth you have!"

Slightly different front view (maybe just a bit boring)
That's it then for this week, not much I know, but it's all I've got, (normal excuses of age, eyesight, real-life and so on, apply)

In other news, just in case you haven't noticed my update profile, I'm now a Grandad to a third grandchild ! Another boy; both mother and child are healthy,

As always your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.


  1. I've had Guinness World Record nightmares b4, Zab, but this pack of wolves takes the cake!!

    1. Erm....Thanks ?
      I think I get where you;re coming from, they do look a bit "night of the living dead wolves"!

    2. I've had some really scary dreams, but if these wolves of yours were in a dream of mine, then this dream would be scariest of all.

      FYI: 1. I've been the meat in a giant's noon sandwich meal!
      2. Pulled down thru a hole in the ground by a huge gorilla
      and eaten.
      3. Fought off an attack by a monstrous giant bat-thing
      on the side of cliff.
      4. Etc.!

    3. I'd change your medication, I find Whiskey is a good nightcap

  2. First off congats on the new arrival secondly age eye-sight & real life are not a good reason for excellently painted wolfs Joe :)

    1. Thanks Frank, I've yet t meet aforementioned child (i have abit of a cold).
      I reckon they're all valid reasons for me, as I'm running oout of other ones!
      And I think your should definetly have gone to Specsavers!

  3. Corking stuff, Joe, and great to hear that more painted minis for this Palaeo project are coming too!! :-)

    1. Thanks Blaxx, I still have quite a few ore critters and beastes to finish before I'll consider more purchses. I'm also going to try and fit another try at the rules in as an escape from painting!

  4. They certainly have big teeth Grandpa, your cave boys and girls had better watch out.

    1. Thanks Vagabond, I think it's the teeth that impress me the most with these figures.
      I've still not figures a way of taking on any of the beasts individually, let alone a pack of them!

  5. Good stuff Joe! Congrats on new addition 🙂

    1. Thanks every bit helps on the gaming front and I'm very happy with tthe new addition.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks you Michal, generous as ever. with your compliments.

  7. Nice pack, your being impressively focused on this project and congratulations on your latest addition, you almost ended up with Assad ,joys of predictive text!
    Best Iain

  8. Thanks Iain, I tend to remain focused for a goodlength of time on a single project, until my enthusiam wains or the realisation I;'m never going to play another game set in. Without opponents or input with whatever I'm attempting to do me enthusiasm dies very quickly.
    Predictive text is wasted on those that can't spell.

  9. Nice looking pack Awwwwwooooooooooooooo!

    1. Thanks Brummie, they may not be that good but at least they'll do the job.
