I never intended to have to ever paint a French army, as my friend had a larg collection of them, but when we decided to do Minden and totted up the number of battalions we needed versus the ones we had (even with using my Austrians as French and my Prussians as Allied forces) we needed aquite a few more.
I had the figures and got to work, these are the results - another two dozen or so extra French battalions of foot.
The French wore, for the most part, grey/white uniforms, but they do have a large contingent of mid-blue, dark blue and red-coated battalions/regiments.
Rather than show the rather boring (imho) regular grey-coated battalions, here's some photographs of the others and a selection of flags:
Battalion of St. German (L) and Bentheim(R) - Light blue coats !
Close up of their colours |
Royal Baviere, a two battalion regiment - dark blue coats
A battlion of the grenadiers de France
Rear view of above, showing their incorrect flag
Grenadier serjeant (arrowed), from a later Spencer Smith plastic Range |
The flags of my four grenadier battalions have the flagstaff on the incorrect side of the flag - I blame Pengel and Hurt, the lack of information available at the time, my youth and enthusiasm, bad eyesight etc. for the error.
A shot showing mnay French flags, regiments etc.
I knew I'd painted a four-battalion French Regiment, that wasn't in the drawer and had to dig out another box that I remembered using for transprtation:
The Liquorice French forces...
...and the contents - another nine French Battalions and two more Hanoverian grenadier battalions
The colours of the four battalions of the regiment Monaco
Flags from four of the other regiments in the box
The two Hanoverian grenadier battalions (obligatory blurry photo)
So my French forces, from nothin, had risen to be the numerous force I have, with somehwere in the region of three dozen battalions of foot, all for a single battle.
The French and Hanoverians were the last figures I painted for my 7YW arnmies, some twenty plus years ago, but they all did see service on the table-top, ven if fot just the one battle !
Having, more or less, shown all my infantry forces, next week I'll show the Cavalry - there only drawer and a half of those !
Sorry it's been bit of a boring journeyfor most of my followers and visitors, but it's all I got !
That's it then for another week, apologies again for my self-indulgence and as ever your comments are both welcomed and appreciated.