Even though I've kept up with my "at least an hour a day" hobby routine, I feel I've done next to nothing this last week, but acccomplished quite a lot.
Photograph on the right shows the sum total of my efforts !
Here's my week:
Remember these ?
Monday Blog -3 hrs approx
About half of the'herd'
Tuesday, scoring the plasticard bases for the horses, ten scratches one way, then ten the other way to make a criss-cross pattern. repeat process for reverse side. For nearly forty bases this amounted to over fifteen hundred score marks (just a tad boring ) - approx 2hrs.
Wednesday, glue horse to bases - not enough superglue gel for such large bases so uses UHU - works fine on the two types of plastic (horse and 'credit card' - an hour at least
Part of the results of Thursday to Saturday's efforts
Thursday - applied ready-mix filler to bases, run out half way through and had to find old supply and
mix by hand before applying - 3+ hours (I did it in approximately three lots iirc). Waited 24 hours to dry.
Friday- seperate bases from tray, repaired some flaking (especially where there were no scoring marks) and then covered the whole base in PVA filler and allowed to dry for 24 hours - approx two hours, maybe three.
Saturday - a break in the awful windy, wet weather allowed me to take the oppotunity to undercoat all the models about an hour's work.
Saturday evening watched England beat Ukraine great end to a very satisfying day..
Flank view of the three hurriedly finised horses
Sunday - started painting horses, managed three before being interupted by family commitments and had to go shopping to buy enough food to last a small seige.
Bonus rear view for those that like this sort of thing
'Essentials' from Poundlandwold - £9 well spent
Took advantage of the situation to visit Poundlandworld for 'essentials'. Managed to just about finish only three horses taking eight hours overall but only about an hour's painting!
Three banditos with their new mounts
Today finished this post and took some stage pics:
The horse had a quick wash ver them and still need a quick spray varnish.
As an experiment I used three different washes, from left to right
Quickshade, homemade brown wash and an old black ink wash.
With my eyesight I see very little differences.
Three down , just these few to go (note fancy storage tray)
That then has been my week, I'll be more than likely continuing to paint horses for the rest of this week - some sort of punishment no doubt.
And that's it for another week, thanks for taking the time to visit, hopefully you've found something of interest and as always your comments are both welcomed and truly appreciated.